How a Concussion Affects Your Child’s VisionMar 01, 2025If your child experiences a blow to the head, do you know the symptoms of a concussion? A vision change is one of the signs. Early treatment is vital.
Myths About Tourette Syndrome Busted Feb 07, 2025There’s been a lot of misinformation about Tourette syndrome in the past. Check out five myths and learn the truth about this disorder so you can help your child manage it.
Why ADHD Often Goes Unnoticed in GirlsJan 10, 2025ADHD affects more than 1 in 10 children in the United States today. It’s more common in boys, but girls have it too. Learn about common symptoms and why ADHD may be overlooked in girls.
5 Types of Learning Disorders — Plus How to Manage ThemDec 11, 2024Your child may have trouble in school. They might have been diagnosed with a learning disorder. Learn strategies to help your child navigate school and their social life when they have a learning difference.
4 Subtle Concussion Symptoms in ChildrenNov 01, 2024Childhood accidents happen, some more serious than others. Any blow to the head should be taken seriously. Some concussion signs are obvious, but others aren’t. Learn the not-so-obvious signs of a concussion, here.
Does Autism Cause Symptoms in Babies?Oct 18, 2024If you’re a new parent, you watch for specific developmental milestones your baby makes such as their first smile or laugh. Are there early signs of autism when your loved one is still a baby?
How to Manage Your Child’s Tourette Syndrome SymptomsSep 23, 2024Your child with Tourette syndrome makes involuntary movements and/or repeated sounds like sniffing or grunting. How you handle your child’s diagnosis helps determine their future.
The 4 Stages of a Migraine AttackAug 12, 2024If your child suffers from migraines, you want to do everything in your power to relieve their intense pain. Learning about the stages of a migraine attack can help you recognize the warning signs.
Encouraging Facts About DyslexiaJul 26, 2024Your child has been diagnosed with dyslexia. The good news is, there are many resources available to help them overcome obstacles that dyslexia can present. Check out positive facts you can use to bolster your child’s confidence.
Helping Your Child Understand the Dangers of ConcussionsJun 24, 2024As a parent, you want to protect your child from injury, but sometimes accidents happen. If your child sustains a concussion, it’s important they understand that the healing process takes time and patience.
Tips for Helping Your Child With ADHDMay 03, 2024Having a child with ADHD presents extra parenting challenges. It can be frustrating and disheartening when you receive negative feedback about their behavior. Learn ways to help your child thrive with an ADHD diagnosis.
Myths and Facts About Cerebral PalsyApr 02, 2024Cerebral palsy is the most common form of motor disability in children. If you think your child could have cerebral palsy, it’s important to separate the myths from the facts.
I Have Migraines — Will My Children?Mar 12, 2024Migraines can be debilitating. If you have them, you know. And you may wonder whether your children could suffer from migraines too. Read on to learn more about causal factors in migraines.
Tourette Syndrome: Understanding Your Child’s TicsFeb 01, 2024Does your child have a tic such as blinking their eyes rapidly or drumming their fingers repeatedly? If the movements seem involuntary and your child can’t stop them when they occur, your child should be evaluated for Tourette syndrome.
How Seizures Affect Children’s BreathingJan 02, 2024If your child has epilepsy, you want to learn as much about it as you can so that seizures are kept to a minimum. Some seizures cause breathing difficulties. Learn what you need to do for your child during a seizure.
Difficulty Writing: Does Your Child Have Dysgraphia?Dec 11, 2023Does your child struggle with written assignments? When they write, their letters, words, and sentences may be close to indecipherable. Your child could have dysgraphia, a disorder that affects the writing process.
5 Ways to Help Your Child with ASD ThriveNov 01, 2023A child with autism spectrum disorder presents challenges on several fronts. You want to help your child, but what are effective methods? Learn five ways to help your loved one with ASD.
Common Migraine Triggers for KidsOct 01, 2023You’re distressed because your child has migraine headaches. These aren’t just regular headaches. Your child gets ill when a migraine occurs. Learn about common triggers for migraines in children.
How to Help Your Child Avoid Concussion ComplicationsSep 01, 2023If your child has a concussion, they’re likely experiencing mental confusion, headaches, dizziness, nausea, and other unpleasant symptoms. Learn strategies for helping your child avoid complications from a concussion here.
7 Helpful Treatments for Managing Cerebral PalsyAug 02, 2023People with cerebral palsy can lead fulfilled lives. If your child has been diagnosed with this condition, you want to help your loved one take advantage of every opportunity to learn and grow.
How (and Why) to Help Your ADHD Child Embrace Their StrengthsJul 07, 2023If your child has a diagnosis of ADHD, you may worry about how to guide them to become successful adults. Helping your child embrace their strengths now is key to boosting positive outcomes for the future.
What Does It Mean When a Child Is on the Spectrum?Jun 05, 2023Does your toddler or child have marked differences in behavior and affect from others their age? Could it be autism spectrum disorder? Learn more about treatments for children on the spectrum.
Understanding the Vagus Nerve and What it ControlsMay 12, 2023Is your child’s behavior punctuated by screaming and crying when presented with something they’re afraid of or don’t like? Learn more about the vagus nerve and ways to use it to calm your loved one.
Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia: What's the Difference and How Are They Treated?Apr 01, 2023Your child may have a learning disability. You may hear the word dyslexia, dysgraphia, or dyscalculia. Learn more about these disorders and how neurologists and therapists treat them.
Which Stage of a Migraine Are You In?Mar 16, 2023Does your child endure migraine headaches? You likely feel helpless as regular headache medication doesn’t help. Learn about the stages of a migraine and when special medication can make a difference.
Concussion Recovery: How Long Will It Take for My Child?Feb 20, 2023A child’s concussion is a serious concern — especially when it’s your child. Let’s examine what the recovery period looks like and how long it will take for your child to be able to resume their normal activities.
How Floortime Can Benefit Children with Autism and Their FamiliesJan 12, 2023You’re on a steep learning curve about autism if your child has been diagnosed with the condition. Learn how using floortime play therapy can benefit your child and your family.
5 Reasons Why Autism Diagnosis Is DelayedDec 14, 2022Is your child’s social development atypical? If you’re concerned about your loved one, you want answers. Is it autism? Learn five reasons why autism diagnosis may be delayed.
Signs of a Concussion in Children Nov 28, 2022A concussion is a mild injury, but it requires proper care. Understand the signs in kids so you can ensure proper healing and prevent complications.